New trees

Last year we had decided that we would like to expand our peach orchard. We selected the area, mapped out the rows, and decided the in-row spacing, which determined the number of trees to order. Finding orchard trees is not as easy as a process as you might think, and even a year out we were not able to source many of the varieties we were interested in planting. We were looking to fill empty space in our existing orchard block (roughly 30 trees) and 6 rows of 25 trees in the new block. We wanted 180 trees. We got 78 trees. Next year, right? The trees arrived early in April and have already been lovingly planted, pruned, and are now showing signs of growth.

The ironic part is that as I place my order for last years missing trees (plus 3 more rows, because PEACHES), we’re thinking to expand about an acre and a half into high density apples. How many apple trees do you need to order to fill that much space? 2150 trees. That’s a lot of apple trees. I wonder how many of those we’ll be able to source?


Heat Dome


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